Introductory Psychology

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The only study guide that teaches you what you need to know to pass the Introductory Psychology exam (with no prior knowledge needed), and is constantly updated based on student feedback to guarantee you the best possible results.

About the CLEP* Exam

The Introductory Psychology CLEP exam is designed to test the student on material that would typically be taught in a one-semester undergraduate college course in Introductory Psychology. One of InstantCert’s most popular courses, our flashcards for this subject will thoroughly prepare you for the exam, familiarizing you with the basic facts, concepts, and principles learned by any first-year psychology student.

Topics Covered in this Course

History, Approaches, Methods

History of psychology
Approaches: biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic
Research methods: experimental, clinical, correlational
Ethics in research

Biological Bases of Behavior

Endocrine system
Functional organization of the nervous system
Physiological techniques

Developmental Psychology

Dimensions of development: physical, cognitive, social, moral
Gender identity and sex roles
Heredity-environment issues
Research methods: longitudinal, cross- sectional
Theories of development


Assessment techniques
Growth and adjustment
Personality theories and approaches
Research methods: idiographic, nomothetic
Self-concept, self-esteem

Psychological disorders and health

Affective disorders
Anxiety disorders
Dissociative disorders
Health, stress, and coping
Personality disorders
Somatoform disorders
Theories of psychopathology

Psychological disorders and health

Behavioral therapies
Biological and drug therapies
Cognitive therapies
Community and preventive approaches
Insight therapies: psychodynamic and humanistic approaches

Customer Test Results for this Exam

1318 users submitted test results since January, 2006.
1257 of those users reported a passing score (95%).

Below are ten of the most recent user-submitted test results. These are unfiltered, real results that were submitted by InstantCert students:

Date of ExamResultScore
Mar 19, 2025passed67
Mar 10, 2025passed69
Feb 26, 2025failed45
Feb 14, 2025passed53
Feb 13, 2025passed71
Feb 1, 2025passed70
Jan 15, 2025passed62
Jan 10, 2025passed63
Dec 21, 2024failed39
Dec 13, 2024passed61

Live, unfiltered results posted by InstantCert students

Practice Tests Now Available!

In addition to our flashcard-based study guides, we now also offer full-length practice tests for this subject. Click here to see more details on our Introductory Psychology CLEP Practice Tests.

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* CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.