Introductory Business Law

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The only study guide that teaches you what you need to know to pass the Introductory Business Law exam (with no prior knowledge needed), and is constantly updated based on student feedback to guarantee you the best possible results.

About the CLEP* Exam

The Introductory Business Law CLEP exam is designed to test the student’s knowledge of concepts taught in a typical one-semester undergraduate college course in introductory business law. InstantCert’s flashcards for this subject are broken down into a main set of questions which teach you the terminology and concepts and another set of questions consisting entirely of scenario-based problems where you learn how the concepts apply to realistic situations. This means that you will be well prepared for the actual exam, which expects you not only to know the basic facts and principles of business law, but also to be able to apply that knowledge to specific case problems.

Topics Covered in this Course

American Legal Systems and Procedures

Meanings of terms
Formation of contracts
Joint obligations
Contracts for the benefit of third parties
Statute of frauds
Scopes and meanings of contracts
Breach of contract
Discharge of contracts
Illegal contracts

Legal Environment

Social responsibility of corporations
Government regulation/ administrative agencies
Environmental law
Securities and antitrust law
Employment law
Creditors’ rights
International business law


Customer Test Results for this Exam

526 users submitted test results since January, 2006.
479 of those users reported a passing score (91%).

Below are ten of the most recent user-submitted test results. These are unfiltered, real results that were submitted by InstantCert students:

Date of ExamResultScore
Dec 11, 2024passed53
Nov 1, 2024passed56
Sep 26, 2024passed55
Aug 10, 2024passed52
Aug 5, 2024failed31
Jun 5, 2024passed68
Apr 17, 2024passed54
Dec 20, 2023passed63
Jun 13, 2023passed57
May 23, 2023passed50

Live, unfiltered results posted by InstantCert students

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* CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.