English Composition | CLEP Exam Prep | CLEP and DSST Study Guides | InstantCert


English Composition

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The only study guide that teaches you what you need to know to pass the English Composition exam (with no prior knowledge needed), and is constantly updated based on student feedback to guarantee you the best possible results.

About the CLEP* Exam

The English Composition (with or without Essay) CLEP exam is designed to test writing skills that a student would typically learn in a first-year college composition course. InstantCert’s course prepares you for the multiple choice portion of the exam, focusing on sentence-level composition skills; students taking the version that includes an essay will need to prepare for the essay-writing portion using other resources.

Topics Covered in this Course

Basic Grammar

Parts of speech
Independent / dependent clauses
Incomplete sentences and run-on sentences
Combining sentences

Identifying Sentence Errors, Improving Sentences, and Restructuring Sentences

Sentence boundaries
Clarity of expression
Agreement: subject-verb; verb tense; pronoun reference, shift, number
Syntax: parallelism, coordination, subordination, dangling modifiers
Sentence variety

Customer Test Results for this Exam

279 users submitted test results since January, 2006.
261 of those users reported a passing score (94%).

Below are ten of the most recent user-submitted test results. These are unfiltered, real results that were submitted by InstantCert students:

Date of ExamResultScore
Feb 21, 2025passed73
Oct 1, 2024failed48
Jul 22, 2024passed57
Jul 5, 2024passed60
Jun 6, 2024passed55
May 29, 2024passed58
Apr 18, 2024passed50
Apr 11, 2024failed42
Mar 21, 2024failed48
Feb 13, 2024passed69

Live, unfiltered results posted by InstantCert students

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* CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.