American Government | CLEP Exam Prep | CLEP and DSST Study Guides | InstantCert


American Government

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The only study guide that teaches you what you need to know to pass the American Government exam (with no prior knowledge needed), and is constantly updated based on student feedback to guarantee you the best possible results.

About the CLEP* Exam

The American Government CLEP exam is designed to test the student on material that would typically be covered in an introductory level one semester undergraduate course on the American government and politics. This is considered a fairly challenging exam and requires not just simple rote-memorization of facts, but a solid understanding of political processes and behavior. Carefully studying InstantCert’s flashcards and truly understanding the material presented in the questions and explanations–not just memorizing what goes in the blanks–will allow you to pass this exam without any trouble.

Topics Covered in this Course

Institutions and Policy Processes: Presidency, Bureaucracy, and Congress

The major formal and informal institutional arrangements and powers
Structure, policy processes, and outputs
Relationships among these three institutions and links between them and political parties, interest groups, the media, and public opinion

Federal Courts, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights

Structure and processes of the judicial system with emphasis on the role and influence of the Supreme Court
The development of civil rights and civil liberties by judicial interpretation
The Bill of Rights
Incorporation of the Bill of Rights
Equal protection and due process

Political Parties and Interest Groups

Political parties (including their function, organization, mobilization, historical development, and effects on the political process)
Interest groups (including the variety of activities they typically undertake and their effects on the political process)
Elections (including the electoral process)

Political Beliefs and Behavior

Processes by which citizens learn about politics
Political participation (including voting behavior)
Public opinion
Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders
Political culture (the variety of factors that predispose citizens to differ from one another in terms of their political perceptions, values, attitudes, and activities)
The influence of public opinion on political leaders

Constitutional Underpinnings of American Democracy

Federalism (with attention to intergovernmental relations)
Separation of powers
Checks and balances
Majority rule
Minority rights
Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption of the Constitution
Theories of democracy

Customer Test Results for this Exam

1248 users submitted test results since June, 2006.
1094 of those users reported a passing score (88%).

Below are ten of the most recent user-submitted test results. These are unfiltered, real results that were submitted by InstantCert students:

Date of ExamResultScore
Mar 14, 2025passed52
Mar 7, 2025passed57
Jan 31, 2025passed62
Jan 27, 2025passed74
Jan 27, 2025passed61
Jan 22, 2025passed62
Jan 21, 2025passed66
Jan 15, 2025passed70
Jan 9, 2025passed61
Jan 7, 2025passed53

Live, unfiltered results posted by InstantCert students

Practice Tests Now Available!

In addition to our flashcard-based study guides, we now also offer full-length practice tests for this subject. Click here to see more details on our American Government CLEP Practice Tests.

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* CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.