Earning Transfer Credit at

State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College

State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College, also called SUNY Empire, is a public college headquartered in Saratoga Springs, New York. Founded in 1971 with a focus on adult student-centered education, SUNY Empire State College educates 16,000 students per year in person, online, and through a blend of both, at campuses and learning hubs located in every region of New York state, and at eight international sites worldwide.

Together with one of SUNY Empire’s 800 faculty mentors, each student designs their own individualized pathway to a college degree that accommodates their schedule and awards credit for prior college-level learning. As part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, SUNY Empire is a prestigious option with a lot of flexibility for students looking to work towards an associate, bachelor's or master's degree.


Transferring Credits to SUNY Empire State College

SUNY Empire has a highly generous transfer credit policy, allowing students to transfer in up to 93 credits (out of 124) towards a bachelor’s degree if they fit into the student’s degree plan. ACE-reviewed credit sources such as AP/CLEP/DSST exams and self-paced online courses (such as those offered by InstantCert) are readily accepted at SUNY Empire and can often be used to fulfill major requirements towards your degree.

How InstantCert's Courses Transfer In

The table below shows how each of our courses transfers in at SUNY Empire. Note that the equivalencies listed in the table are NOT guaranteed. SUNY Empire's exact credit evaluations are subject to change and you should always check with an adviser or contact SUNY Empire to request an unofficial evaluation of the courses you intend to take before you start studying.

InstantCert Course TitleTransfers In As
American GovernmentTPOL 1XXX Transfer Political Science
AstronomyPHYS 1100 Intro Astronomy
Business EthicsTBUS 1XXX Transfer Business
College AlgebraMATH 1040 (Algebra)
Environmental ScienceENSC 1200 (Environmental Science)
Financial AccountingACCT 2005 (Intro Accounting I)
Introduction to EntrepreneurshipBUSN 1020 (Intro to Entrepreneurship)
Managerial AccountingTACC 3XXX (Transfer Accounting)
Principles of MarketingMRKT 1004 (Marketing Principles)
Spanish ISPAN 1015 (Spanish I)

What is the Process for Transferring our InstantCREDIT Courses to SUNY Empire?

As with all other ACE-reviewed courses, the first step is to create an account on the ACE Credit website. Then, as you complete each course with InstantCert, you request to have that course added to your ACE transcript. When you have completed all of the courses you plan to take, you then request that your ACE transcript be sent to SUNY Empire.

Steven Gloer
InstantCert Co-Founder

Steven is one of the co-founders of InstantCert and is constantly looking for new ways to leverage technology to make learning more efficient and productive. Reach out to him with your ideas, stories, and questions by sending an email to webmaster@instantcert.com.

* CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

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