Our unique study method is based on our ITCBT (Interactive Textbook Computer Based Testing) software. What this study approach boils down to is essentially a broad overview of the subject in the form of fill-in-the-blank questions. In 2009, we took this approach to the next level when we introduced v2 of the ITCBT which uses dynamic blanking (different parts of the text are blanked out each time you go through the material) along with optional audio accompaniment to teach and reinforce the concepts. Our goal is not only to efficiently prepare you for the exam (many customers prepare for and pass 3 credit exams within a matter of days), but to actually teach you the fundamentals of the subject so that by the end of the course you know just as much as or more than the average college student who takes a semester-long course in the subject.
Beyond the study materials, InstantCert offers something that no other test prep provider can claim; we give each student access to a community of thousands of other students who are taking or have taken the exams. Over the last couple of years, our discussion forum at http://www.degreeforum.net has accumulated tens of thousands of posts on various testing and degree-related topics. When you join InstantCert, you are not preparing for the exam alone – you are studying for the exam with thousands of other students like yourself.